The Horse-Factor
The Horse-Factor

The H-Factor System
The Horse-Factor System, in short the H-Factor System, is a step-by-step programme developed by Ingela and Richard Larsson Smith and is designed to help people deepen their relationship with horses in a natural way. The system’s name refers to the unpredictable, though wonderful ways in which horses can impact our life. The horse is seen as a surprising factor that, with a vector (power), changes people’s lives for the better.
The programme has two sections: one section focuses Horse Skills and one section on Life Skills. The sections complement each other, though they can be studied either separately or in tandem.
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‘Horse Skills’
The Horse Skills section is for those who want to deepen their relationship with horses, those who want to acquire the necessary skills to pursue a career with horses and for leaders who want to improve their leadership skills. Through studying and practicing the tasks and theory in this section you will learn tasks that are essential in any equestrian establishment, but the materials go even further! You will gain a deep understanding of horse psychology, the way horses communicate and how you can use this knowledge to deepen the connection with your horse. The teaching materials are based on natural horsemanship principles. Those who follow the programme will gain leadership skills, better communication skills and the knowledge to prepare horses for a variety of equestrian sports using love, trust and honour.
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‘Life Skills’
The Life Skills section is for those who want to come into a deeper understanding of their own heart and their relationship with God. Spiritual principles are clearly explained through very practical, visual examples of natural horsemanship. By observing horse behaviour, we discover parallels to our own behaviour and interaction with others. Through the insight gained about the state of our own hearts, we recognize the issues that have kept us from a deeper relationship with other people, God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This material is useful for ministries, businesses, team leaders and anyone reaching out to help others become whole. Potential leaders with a heart to impact the world around them will find the illustrations presented useful to help others gain understanding about the relationship they are designed to have with God. Those who follow this section will also learn the skills necessary to become effective communicators, gain confidence and greater team skills to become the leader they want to be.
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The H-Factor System learning is designed to be visual and comprehensive and the study materials consist of books and DVD’s. Each module in the Horse Skills section has its own descriptive task book and a how-to DVD clearly illustrating the skill set. A manual on horse knowledge and life principles accompanies both the Horse and Life Skills sections.